I think that I will keep this week brief.
We received our transfer call a day earlier than expected. Saturday! So I've known for a little while longer than usual, but the good news is that Transfer calls are inspired, and I can trust that the Lord knows what's best. Plus, I keep praying almost daily that we will be led by the Spirit to know where to go, what to do, and what to say.
So I will be staying in Rocky Mount, and training another missionary. In all sincerity I am excited, and I feel good about it, but I'm trying really hard to maintain commitment to serving with all my" heart, might, mind and strength" because I am tired!!!!! I guess it will be good though because new missionaries always have a lot of energy, and drive. I know that will help me keep going. I just hope I don't get dragged along! :)
Sad to be losing Sister Watt, and so are many of the members of the ward. She has left a big impression here. :) Funny though because her next area is like 20 minutes south of here, in Wilson. They have a wonderful ward there, and the Sister who will be her new companion is basically me. :) She and I came out at the same time-- she was called to the Raleigh Mission though and I was Richmond. She and I also have basically the same sense of humor, and personality. I love her, and hope that Sister Watt will as well.
So that the status update.
I just love all of you!
keep in Touch --- Kay! :)